The Gush Etzion Foundation Has Been Supporting Local Needs and Bolstering Wartime Efforts Nationwide
Supplying hundreds of jackets, boots, weapon accessories, and more to military units across Israel. Tactical boots for unit serving in extreme weather conditions.
Assisted hundreds of evacuees from the north and south with meals, clothing, housewares, linens, games, school supplies, and more. Partnered with JNF USA to host over 80 families in Gush Etzion for weeks. Supplies for evacuees from Shlomit staying in Kfar Etzion.
Organized a mission to Florida and New York with Israeli heroes sharing their courageous stories, fostering united and solidarity among Am Yisrael.Members of the mission in Miami.
Installed 18 bomb shelters near educational institutions, transforming areas with only prefabricated buildings into safer zones.Bomb Shelter near an elementary school.
Organized plays across communities in the area helping children contend with the challenging security situation. A play for children in Kfar Etzion.
Collaborated with various partners to procure equipment for each rapid response team based on their unique needs.Equipment given to Kedar’s Rapid Response Team.