For Donations in Israel

Credit Card/Bit

Click on the link of the campaign page to choose the option of tax credit in Israel

Cash or Check

Keren Gush Etzion
Regional Council Gush Etzion
North Judea Alon Shvut 90433

Bank Transfer

Bank Mizrachi-Tefahot
Bank # 20
Branch 401
Account 666487
Keren Gush Etzion

Please indicate the name of the campaign in the comment and send a reference to the email


Please call:

For Donations in USA


Click on the link of the campaign page to choose the option of tax credit in the US

Donations USA By Check

 The Gush Etzion Foundation
C/O Ne’eman Foundation
867 Boylston St
Check Suite #1352 5th Floor
Boston MA 02116


Please call the number:

Donor Advised Funds

 The Gush Etzion Foundation
C/O Ne’eman Foundation
867 Boylston St
Check Suite #1352 5th Floor
Boston MA 02116

US ID No. 31-1558409